Hostile Environment Awareness Training
A 3-day bespoke experience
Learn to keep safe in volatile environments
Are you an individual who spends time working in areas of conflict or regions where the rule of law isn't as strong as it is in a civilised society?
Perhaps you're a company which sends your staff to work in such environments.
Aid workers, journalists, volunteers, logistics personnel; are you fully prepared for what awaits you in these regions of the world?
Our 3-day Hostile Environment Awareness Training programme provides you with the skills that you need to survive such these conditions.
Module Listing
Module 1 - Deployment in Hostile Environments
Threat awareness, associated risk and personal security
Risk management process
Mobile/Vehicular security
Management of threats associated with gatherings, protests, civil disturbances and riots
Hostage Taking and Survival
Weapons, mines, IEDs and UXOs
Protection of sensitive and classified information
Module 2 - Situational Training
Minefields, IEDs and UXOs
Hostage survival practise and demonstration
Team under attack (chokepoint, ambush)
Module 3 - Basic life support in the field (practise and demonstration)
Medical treatment/primary treatment
Road traffic accidents
Module 4 - Orientation, Communications and 4 wheeled vehicle
Map reading and navigation
Means of communication and procedures (practise and demonstration)
Characteristics and capabilities of 4x4 vehicles
Four-wheeled vehicle driving introduction
Module 5 (optional) - Field Training Exercise
Convoys - navigation through hostile environments
Simulated ambush exercise with real-life role players
Derived from the ENTRi Initiative, and adapted to Southeast Asia. Click here for more info.